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Toxin Series: Did you learn anything?Â
For the last six weeks, my blogs have been focused on toxins and how unassuming and dangerous they are to your health and hormones. I...
New York Times Article - The Disturbing Truth About Hair Relaxers
There was a recent article written by Linda Villarosa, a contributing writer, and published in June 2024 by The New York Times. The...
Are You Exposed to Harmful Toxins Every Time You Brush? Discover Some Hidden Toxins in Your Toothpaste | Deon Hall Garriques
Chances are, you purchase your toothpaste from a local pharmacy or grocery store without giving much thought to its ingredients. I used...
The Hidden Dangers of Hair Dyes and Straighteners | Deon Hall Garriques
Frequent use of hair dyes and straighteners can increase breast cancer risk in women due to the many chemicals they contain. In fact,...
The Cost of Beauty: Are Your Beauty Products Secretly Harming You?
EVERY DAY YOU GET READY TO START YOUR DAY, YOU COULD BE PUTTING YOUR HEALTH AT RISK! On average adults use 10-20 products a day. And for...
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