The Link Between Dehydration and Fatigue, Brain Fog, and Mood Issues and more...
Our body is about 60% water while our brain is 70-75% and therefore water is one of the vital needs for humans to survive.
The best way to hydrate is with water and certain foods and NOT with sugary drinks. The focus of this article is hydration with water.
Why hydrate
Hydration is important for all our body systems to function optimally; for your brain, heart, muscles, bone health, etc.
Hydration is crucial for the digestive system to work well to get the nutrients from the foods you eat into your bloodstream and into your cells for nourishment and energy.
Hydration is also important for your skin. When the skin is adequately hydrated, it feels soft, plump, elastic and supple. If your skin is dehydrated, it can appear dry, flaky and itchy, and may even develop fine lines and wrinkles (and we want as few of those as possible:-)).
In Addition to adequate hydration for your skin, a good morning and evening skincare routine is important.
Inadequate hydration results in dehydration. This lead to a variety of different conditions, including constipation which may be an indication of a sluggish digestive system resulting in headaches, brain fog, heart palpitations, mood swings or muscle or joint pains.
As a woman transitions from perimenopause (40s) to menopause (50s) and finally to post menopause, there are a variety of hormonal changes that are happening and most of these changes are evident through the different symptoms that a woman experiences.
During the transition, hydration is super important because dehydration could create or increase menopausal symptoms such as brain fog, mood swings and fatigue.
How to check hydration levels
The simplest way to check your hydration levels is by the color of your urine. If your urine is a pale-yellow that’s generally a good guide.
If darker, you need to increase your water intake. However, if you're taking specific medication or eating certain foods (e.g.beets) that can cause a drastic change in the color, and this should be considered when doing the urine test.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your level of daily hydration?
If it’s on the low end of the spectrum, you may want to look at ways that you start increasing your hydration on a daily basis.
How to Hydrate
Water is the best way to hydrate.
A good guide to determine how much water is enough for each person is to take half your weight ounces. For example, if you are 100 pounds, you should be drinking about 50 ounces daily.
For me, I start my day with about 20 ounces of warm or room temperature water. I keep a 30 ounce container of water at my workstation and my goal is to drink two containers or 60 ounces daily.
You decide how best you can make sure that you are adequately hydrated daily to ensure that all your body systems can function optimally and decrease the likelihood of additional or increase menopausal symptoms.
Drop me a line, I would love to hear how you ensure you stay hydrated daily or how you plan to increase your hydration if applicable.
In Good Health,
Source: United States Government Science for a changing World.
DISCLAIMER: This information is not intended to provide medical advice. The purpose is to provide education and a broader understanding to my readers. Always seek the advice of your qualified healthcare provider before making any dietary or lifestyle changes. I do not recommend or prescribe, or recommend changing dosage or discontinuing, any prescription medications or pharmaceutical drugs.
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