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A Gift for Mom

Happy Mother’s Day to all my mommy tribe!

On this Mother’s Day, let your mother know how much you love and appreciate her. Mothers are treasures and a gift to us all. And for those whose mothers are either far away or no longer with us, cherish the moments you shared and carry them in your heart and thoughts knowing that they are always with you.

And let’s us remember, a mother is not always the person who gave birth to you, but it could be that special person (dad, uncle, aunt, cousin, grandparent, etc)

who made you feel loved, nurtured you, provided guidance, always there for support and advice, to that person, tell them Happy Mother’s Day and thanks for being your guiding star and the wind beneath your wings.

Another great gift for mom is one of health. If she is struggling with her health and need some expert guidance and support, you can always call on Deon’s Wellness Wagon that is our mission to improve health and transform lives.

You can sign mom up for a free consultation today or explore one of my other coaching programs.

And since it’s Spring cleaning time, how about Spring cleaning our bodies with my Spring Energy Reboot 7 Day Detox Program.

In Good Health,


Whatever, you decide to do, enjoy this Mother’s Day!

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